あいしてるって どういうかんじ?
ならんですわって うっとりみつめ
あくびもくしゃみも すてきにみえて
ぺろっとなめたく なっちゃうかんじ
あいしてるって どういうかんじ?
みせびらかして やりたいけれど
だれにもさわって ほしくなくって
どこかへしまって おきたいかんじ
あいしてるって どういうかんじ?
いちばんだいじな ぷらもをあげて
つぎにだいじな きってもあげて
おまけにまんがも つけたいかんじ
Being in love
Shuntaro Tanikawa (trans. by Naoko Ishikura)
What is it like to be in love?
It's like sitting side by side, looking into each other's eyes, entranced
Even yawning and sneezing seem enchanting
And feeling tempted to lick
What is it like to be in love?
You feel like showing it off
But you don't want anyone to touch it
And you want to put it away somewhere
What is it like to be in love?
It's like you want to give away your most precious plastic model
And then give away your most precious postage stamp
And on top of that, you want to give away a comic book too