Monday, February 19, 2018



Saturday, February 10, 2018



Sunday, November 19, 2017


In the warm afternoon sun, we danced. We danced in our small living room, while listening to a song by Lucinda Williams. Zen was at daycare. Mui was awake but was content on the bouncer. She was looking right at us and wondered why we looked so happy. Mike came back from his business trip a few days back. He was gone for more than 10 days. Dad was here helping me out and was a HUGE help, I mean he really was, but I'd missed Mike. I missed him so much. It is so good to have him back home with us. With me. Being held in his arms. Feeling the warmth of his body. His smell. Happiness.

Monday, October 23, 2017


On a rainy Thursday, we took a taxi to Shinjuku station and went to see a film by Jim Jarmusch. It was a very slow but a beautiful film and I loved it. It made me want to write again. I immediately ordered a poetry book by William Carlos Williams, and it arrived two days later. It's a collection of his poetry translated in Japanese. A Japanese poet in the film said that poetry in translation is like taking a shower with a raincoat on, and I agree, but it's still nice. I read one or two poems a day from that book after kids go to bed. Funny how one or two poems can fulfill me... "It's just words..." said the bus driver played by Adam Driver, but without words, I realize, I don't feel alive.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


What took me so long to announce this? well, finding the right kind of safety pins in various sizes and cutting out Zen's tiny mustache!

Anyway, Mike and I are very happy and excited to have another child (yes, it's a girl!) in...two months!

Monday, September 7, 2015

9月6日 日曜日

9月6日 日曜日






Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A collection of random thoughts on a Wednesday night

It's Wednesday night on July 22nd, 2015. I'm now 28 weeks pregnant, which means I'll have a baby in about 10 weeks. Wow. I just looked at my belly which is really starting to show lately. Despite the fact that I am unmistakably pregnant and everyone on the train wants to give up their seats for me nowadays, the idea of me becoming a mother still hasn't quite caught up with me yet. I thought I became pregnant only a month ago or so but it's been 28 weeks already; yes I have come a long way. I didn't have a morning sickness, and I kind of knew that I would have an easy pregnancy even before I got pregnant. Why? Because I'm lucky like that. I have never even had cramps during my period, and who doesn't?? I hope I'll continue to be lucky and I'll have an easy delivery as well, but who knows? Luck isn't the most dependable thing in the world. 

The rainy season ended and the summer has come to Tokyo a week ago. We had a real nice June and the beginning of July with lots of rain and the cool weather to accompany. It rained day after day, and everyone complained but I didn't mind the rain. I actually never mind the rain. I secretly wished the rainy season would never end but it decided to go away with the typhoon which visited here out of season. Hate is a strong word, and I rarely use it, but I hate summer. I hate the heat and the humidity. I hate getting tanned. Well actually I don't hate getting tanned; I hate getting freckles. 

Tonight I watched a stupid movie on Hulu while Mike was on his weekly 2hr telecon. It had to be stupid, because I like watching good movies with Mike. And it naturally had to be a movie with Ashton Kucher in it. Mike can't stand him. He just can't. 

Now we're getting ready to go out to sento. Our daily routine. Probably our favorite thing to do, next to playing with stray cats in the park. People can't help staring at my big belly in the bath but I'm getting used to it. The baby seems to like it when I take a bath. It kicks a lot. I was actually taking a bath when I first felt the baby kicking. Indescribable feeling. Utter joy.